2024 Feature Films by Timothy J Cox Sunday with dad Among other things, it deals with fading love. The breakdown of family relationships and surprising secrets.
Jason is a working actor who visits his widowed father Ben every Sunday. These two people have rituals and commitments to each other. Ben revealed that he hired a sex worker to accompany him regularly.
Jason’s reaction was as expected.
behind the scenes
Written and starring Timothy J Cox Sunday with dad Passionate and relaxed. The short film is just over 22 minutes long and contains a wealth of information about the relationship.
George R. Hildebrand plays widower Ben. An educated but lonely man. His later years left him at a loss. Tired of the weekly visits, he tried another solution.
Director Tomas Angeletti proves once again that genre doesn’t matter. He also shows a casual acceptance of close-ups and almost claustrophobic scenes.
William Stanley and Angeletti both serve as editors Sunday with dad Their labor makes this backyard comedy/drama great to watch.
Cinematographer Jack Reynolds makes every frame stunning, and it’s his skill that makes this feel almost like a “fly on the wall” moment.
There’s a lot going on here
Sunday with dad A wealth of information was provided during this short lunchtime exchange:
Ben clearly knows Jason better than the other members of his little extended family. This alone raises the question of his compatibility with his wife and grandson.
Or this boils down to:
That man in the throes of autumnal loneliness and lack of communication that cost the entire family too much effort?
in addition:
Why does Ben have a Band-Aid, also known as a “Band-Aid,” on his arm?
There are many questions and interesting things to discover about this relationship and their lives. The entire process takes less than 22 minutes.
Jason clearly “gets” his father. Although he was appalled by the idea of a sex worker accompanying his father.
Sunday with dad is a five-star production from Alysm Films and Timothy J Cox. Cox continues to grow as an actor, writer and producer. This short offering was very informative and made us ask many questions.
As a comedy, this show does a great job. The film is playing at film festivals and should get a lot of attention.
Hildebrand and Cox give moving and complex performances here. Everyone gives us a layered character. This drama does have comedy elements Sunday with dad This movie shows why I love independent films.
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