second episode sweet peas When Rhiannon got Chop out of the hospital, she was seen getting better and better at her old stabbing routine. The neglected, miserable girl from the first episode is spreading her ferocious wings and starting down that continuum path.
story so far
The canalside killing plunges Rhiannon into a series of events. Fear and guilt drive her to seek out victimhood. Sweet Pea learns that the Ryan she stabbed to death was no angel. In fact, he’s just another bully.
But not before she finds a newfound calm and confidence, until she realizes the incriminating evidence from the night before still exists. She quickly cleans up the damn mess and gets the chance to buy her father’s business.
At work, she sabotaged Jeff’s research and stole his story. New junior reporter AJ helps her find Ryan’s backstory. Her goal? See if he deserves to die.
Norman is so impressed by receptionist Moxie that he invites her to the office bar party. Once there, Rhiannon met and “slashed” police officers investigating the murder. The annoying man in the hospital where her father died.
He proved to be just as obnoxious and rude outside of the hospital. Chop and his interaction with the barmaid sealed his fate. When Rhiannon realized who the man was, she decided to remove him from the photos.
murder equals confidence
Sweet Pea shows new confidence after killing the “pee artist” on the canal. She enters a new realm of existence where she allows herself to be seen and heard. Rhiannon even sang karaoke at the bar festivities.
The only person who still threatens the young woman is her school bully. Julia. The real estate agent her sister chose to sell the family home. During a meeting at home, Julia immediately attributed Rhiannon to the bullied schoolgirl.
By the end of the episode, we feel like Julia’s days are numbered.
Ella Purnell as Rhiannon Lewis
Nicole Lackey as Julia
Callum Lynch as AJ
Tim Samuels as Philf
Jeremy Swift as Norman
Dustin Demry-Burns as Jeff
Sweet beans forge ahead
Clearly, Julia is on Sweet Pea’s list. Going forward, she may need a little more practice.
This British export remains popular. Ella Purnell continues to play the murderous receptionist. Lackey is a woman we love to hate, and Lynch’s performance here may be limited. He may have learned too much.
sweet peas Airs every Friday on starz. If you haven’t done so already, head across the ocean to watch this fantastic entertainment event. This is made by SKY, which basically guarantees a certain quality. Do yourself a favor and check it out.
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