The Breach follows the story of John Hawkins, a man counting down his last days as the Chief of Police in the tiny town of Lone Crow. John Hawkins must investigate one last case of his career when a mangled body with uncanny wounds washes up on the shores of the Porcupine River.
The Breach stars Allan Hawco (Republic of Doyle, Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan), Emily Alatalo (Spare Parts), Natalie Brown (The Strain, Dark Matter), Mary Antonini (Revenge Delivered), Wesley French (Vikings, Tribal), Adam Kenneth Wilson (Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, Shadow Hunters) and Alex Lifeson (best known as the guitarist for RUSH). Rodrigo Gudiño acts as director for the movie along with Pasha Patriki, Andrew Thomas Hunt, and Michael Paszt being producers. Executive producers are Slash, Jacquelyn Frisco, Gregor Habsburg, Allan Hawco, and James Fler.
The Breach releases on Digital and Video-On-Demand on July 11.
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