Scooter Various sound effects recorded from 7 different scooters, from universal scooters to scooters with modified exhaust devices. Also included is an old two-stroke scooter with treble brake screams, as well as Onboard riding sounds (including speed and speeding), deliver, idle, proximity, trigger, engine crank and sounds of various mechanisms. Scooter The sound library helps you create different types of scenes using scooter riding.
The recorded scooters include:
・ Kymco VJR 110
・Yamaha BW’s 125
・R 125 of Yamaha BW
・Yamaha Force 155
・ Yamaha Super 4 (with modified exhaust)
・ Yamaha Vino 50 (two-stroke scooter)
・Yamaha Vino 50 FI
The library contains 197 files, including 170 mono files and 27 stereo files recorded in ORTF at 96 kHz. About 2 hours and 44 minutes in total.
Of course, the library is carefully marked with rich Soundminer metadata, including markers in recordings that highlight interesting sounds.
All recordings are recorded, edited and mastered with love and care.