Check out the trailer for The Monkey King, an upcoming animated family comedy film featuring the voice talents of Jimmy O. Yang as Monkey King, Jolie Hoang-Rappaport as Lin, Nan Li as Stick, Bowen Yang as Dragon King, Jo Koy as Benbo, Ron Yuan as Babbo, Hoon Lee as Jade Emperor, BD Wong as Buddha, Andrew Kishino as Demon of Havoc, Sophie Wu as Red Girl, Andrew Kishino as King Yama, Jodi Long as Wangmu, James Sie as Elder Monkey, Andrew Pang as Mayor, Stephanie Hsu as Mayor’s wife, and Kuno Inghram as Mayor’s son.
Inspired by an epic Chinese tale, The Monkey King is an action-packed family comedy that follows a rebellious and charismatic Monkey and his magical fighting Stick on an epic quest for victory over 100 demons, an eccentric Dragon King, and Monkey’s greatest foe of all —his own ego! Along the way, a young village girl challenges his self-centered attitude and shows him that even the smallest pebble can have a big effect on the world.
The Monkey King is produced by Peilin Chou. Stephen Chow serves as executive producer. Animation and Imagery by ReelFX.
The Monkey King, directed by Anthony Stacchi, premieres on Netflix on August 18, 2023.
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