Reviewer Rating: 4/5.0
Three Women ends tonight, and Gia, Lena, Maggie, and Sloane have grown tremendously since the first episode of Three Women’s Season 1.
They conquered their inner demons, chased their dreams, and emerged stronger. But do any of them get a happy ending?
Some of them did, and they can be proud of their decisions, while the series still left some unanswered questions in other storylines.

Now everyone knows Maggie’s name
Maggie experienced a lot of loss when she was young. She felt lost and alone without her father, her biggest supporter.
Everyone, even her brother David, seems to want her to hide it all and move on.
Maggie is unable to do this because she keeps imagining a celebration for Mr. Knodel to mark his return. She looks like the bad guy because she ruined the reputation of a great teacher.
This feeling intensified when she and David protested against Mr. Knodel. The problem is, Maggie feels that her brother, like many others, doesn’t think she’s a victim because she consented to sex.

This is why sexual grooming is such an important discussion. Teachers should protect students, not harm them.
That’s why Maggie chose to sell her story to Gia. It meant so much to her that Gia believed her. Now everyone knows her name and her story.
Sloan sticks to his identity
DeWanda Wise excels at creating a complex character that makes the audience question who Sloan is.
Sloan messed up when she cheated on Richard with Will. She is an adult and should not blame everything on her mother. Sophie also shouldn’t have to pay for Sloan’s mistake.

However, Diane forces Sloan to follow certain rules, so Sloan does lack emotion. Will probably likes her too because she’s so reckless and free.
When Sloan described the four men to her mother, she felt some satisfaction in seeing Diane’s fear because Diane was so decent.
However, Lily and Richard go too far and call Sloane a slut. Lily is a willing participant and a hypocrite, so she needs to stop the blame game.
As for Richard, he knew Sloane had a healthy libido. It was so insulting to watch her get down on her knees and beg him to take her back. No woman should be begging on her knees.

Thankfully, Sloan changes her attitude, remembers the sex goddess she is, and proposes to Richard with a damaged cake.
That whipped cream scene is sexy, fun, and perfect for them to reconcile and remember why they fell in love in the first place.
Lena thinks she deserves better
Lena is proud of being different from her family, so she tries to comply with her son’s request to spend a day in the park with all her attention and without her phone.
When she briefly returns to the car and nearly loses Ryan, she realizes just how attracted she is to Aidan.
I’m relieved she’s done making excuses for Aiden because it’s clear he’s not going to change.

Since everything is so familiar, he enjoys having a casual fling with his old high school girlfriend. But I can’t believe he threw money at her when she left.
They are related. She is not his whore. My respect for him dropped.
Gia thinks her best is enough.
Shailene Woodley once again plays a flawed, insecure character. We all feel regret when our parents die or when we hear their voices buzzing in our ears describing negative traits about us.
That’s how Gia felt. She feels she is destined to be a terrible mother and is afraid to be near her daughter or Jack because she will most likely die of the same lung cancer as her mother.
Gia’s doctor and Sloan expressed sympathy but urged her to get tested so she could be tested. Lena is the nurturer, but Sloan is like the bossy, truth-telling sister.

She was the first to replace Jack when he got mad at him for not calling when Gia went into labor.
Sloan: Do you want to talk, or do you want to scare the shit out of your daughter?
It’s hard to take sides in Gia and Jack’s fight. He needed to listen to her, but he had rights over their daughter. He wants to protect them, but scares her away by promising that Gia will be fine.
This causes Gia to run away again, and each time she runs away, she loses more friends because they think she and Jack are in a relationship.
Gia only wants to hear one version and admit that it hurts more when a woman sees the worst in you. Even so, Jack has no right to suggest that she’s crazy for taking time to process her diagnosis, or that she’s a terrible mother.

Many unresolved issues need to be resolved
The limited series finale left a lot of unanswered questions. Maggie’s storyline only seemed complete when she told her story and met a new guy on a plane to promote the book on the Today Show.
While many fans would like to see more of Aji’s journey, she fought for her rights and showed courage, and others respected that. In this she wins.
Sloan’s storyline seems to be mostly complete as well. She was finally satisfied with the traditional married life of Richard and Sophie.
But what happened to Lily and Will? Is Lily pregnant with Richard’s baby and pretending it’s Will’s? Are they completely out of each other’s lives? That mushroom tripping night opened Pandora’s box.

Although Lena and Aidan ended their relationship, her ending was never shown beyond being with her sons. Is this enough for her? Has she found someone who puts her needs first?
Gia’s storyline ending had the most gaps. Did Jack provide enough information to accuse her of kidnapping Fox? She dealt with a lot of issues and tried her best, but that was a huge hole.
We should also find out if she survives to watch her daughter grow up as she deals with motherhood and lingering cancer issues.
These women’s stories shape Gia’s future. Hopefully she did and shared these stories with her.
Now that Three Women is over, it’s your turn. What’s your favorite female storyline? Were you satisfied with any of the endings?
Let us know in the comments below.
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