Reviewer Rating: 4.3/5.0
Someone decided to team up Justin Hartley with a dog on Trackers Season 2 Episode 7, and it was one of the best decisions ever.
As Tracker continues its solid second act, the hour becomes less about Colter being hired to find someone or something missing and more about him being in the right place at the right time.
Maybe that’s the wrong place to be, considering how many guns are pointed at him for trying to do the right thing, but that’s also the case right now.
Of course, the show eventually listened to me and was going to put Colt and Velma in the same room, but on the way to Renee’s office (where Velma apparently lives now!), he happened to meet at a bar A cute dog arrived.
For someone who lives away from the crowds and is completely attuned to a nomadic lifestyle, Colter can give off a very calm feeling. We see him meeting countless people for the first time at the worst moments in their lives and providing comfort and care to make them feel comfortable.
Colter did the same thing for Buckley, a lost dog who was in pain and probably very confused, searching for food in trash cans.
You might think that most people would see a dog wearing a collar and do their best to lead it back to its owner, but not everyone does that. Colter is clearly the person you want to find your lost pet, as he immediately seeks to care for Barkley and return him.
But because he’s Colt Shaw, he’s unwittingly embroiled in a super complicated situation involving a break-in, stolen artifacts, and an adorable kid willing to give up his hard-earned piggy bank money just to Get his dog back.
Imagine you find a lost dog and you are about to take it home when someone breaks into your car and steals the dog. My mind was in turmoil and I would have gone straight to the police, but Colt is not me, nor you, and of course, he took matters into his own hands.
Colter makes a living visiting recently broken into homes, but is glad he found Buckley and got the Westons’ address, because who knows how long they’ll be tied up there before anyone notices.
Tracker cases are usually a departure from the norm, and this case is no different.
When a dog is stolen, one of the first things you might think of might be that it might have been sold illegally for fighting or other nefarious purposes, but Colter has seen the lengths someone has gone to to get his hands on this special dog He knew this case was much bigger than a home invasion.
But why would anyone be so insistent on getting Barkley? Of course, if you’re getting a dog for a fighting competition or something, you’re not going to put that much effort into getting that particular dog.
Someone needs Barkley for a reason, and Colter needs to find that connection.
Enter Bobby.
Since Aidan is a kid in 2024, he has a gameplay video setup, and without this, they may never have bonded with Max.
I’ve mentioned it before, but it bears repeating: Colter often found himself standing at the front door of a house that had recently been burglarized, murdered, or whatever, and the ease with which he entered, first with a gun, was astonishing, if not terrifying. People are impressed.
Colter didn’t know what he was getting into every time he entered, but he always walked right in so he could look around like he wasn’t the one entering a stranger’s home.
When I saw the photo of Buckley with military personnel, it became clear to me that Buckley’s arrest had something to do with the military. But what?
Colt’s perfect timing continued when Nate showed up and made the mistake of trying to stop Colt. It’s not funny that people who have received any kind of training, whether it’s military training or other forms of physical confrontation training, don’t stand a chance in front of Colter.
You may defeat him, but he’ll find a way!
Curt trusts Nate more than I thought and every time he turns his back I hold my breath because what if he’s lying? This isn’t the first time Colter has encountered someone lying to protect themselves in a case like this.
He could very well be looking for Max for reasons of his own, or he could be connected to Lawson!
Or maybe I’m watching too much TV, because Nate is actually a sweet guy who cares about Max and truly cares about his well-being.
Trackers always adds something you never guessed in a million years, and this week, African artifacts are crucial for a criminal mastermind who takes Max’s wife away, until Max discovers those Disgusting statue!
When things start to fall into place, there’s one part that’s not quite clear: why Max needs to kidnap Buckley.
What role does Barkley play in this?
Well, Buckley becomes Max’s memory, essentially because he can’t remember where he buried the statues. Tips can take your dog to the exact location he needs.
The poor dog was kidnapped from a loving home and forced to look for a needle in a haystack, gaining some precious time to meet Colter, only to be taken into the thorny woods!
From that point on, everything plays out like typical stalker time, which means there’s a high-stakes climax involving guns and dangerous people, and Colter hatches a plan for adventure if any of these people try to escape this alive. situation, this plan must succeed.
I have absolutely no idea why they brought Barkley to the meeting point with Lawson, because what good is a noisy dog at a meeting like this? The reason is soon revealed, but the whole meeting between Max and Lawson is a bit ridiculous from the start.
Why was Lawson so sure Max would appear alone? He has zero reserves, making him an easy target in this situation.
Yes, he moved to Chelsea as an insurance plan, but he’s walking into a blind spot. Do they even need Nate to set up sniper-style to take him out?
Colter manages to sneak up on Lawson without him noticing and open the back of the damn truck so he can shoot Nate in the leg or something before he pounces on his head.
The whole thing was already chaotic, but Barkley saved the day by tracking down Chelsea’s scent, which is clearly what this is all about.
I’ll forgive some of the eye-rolling Stalker gave me at the end, because the story is generally pretty good, and it also involves a cute dog, which naturally makes things more exciting.
Colter may have agreed to take on the case to find Buckley because Aidan offered him a stipend, but Colter would never accept it. There’s always a wholesome feeling when Colter circles back to say goodbye to the people he helped.
Aidan and his mother are pushed beyond their reach and all they want is their dog back – a dog that has helped and continues to help them through tough times.
Colter didn’t expect this job, but sometimes those jobs are the most important.
Keep track of notes
- After being fine at Chelsea, Colter quickly left there and reunited with Max and Nate, but Max should still be in trouble, right? Lawson is a terrible man, but Max did steal those artifacts.
- The only thing that could have made the ending scene in Reenie’s office any better was their Face Timing Bobby. Can I do a scene this season with them together, working on a case together, joking in person? Is this asking too much?
- I’m going to put up a missing persons sign for a Shaw Brothers drama.
- I’d better watch the Charles Barkley scene play out in ridiculous fashion on this week’s episode of Inside the NBA. If not, what’s the point?
There’s another interesting Tracker episode in the book!
I turn it over to you now, so let me know what you think about it in the comments!
You can watch Trackers on CBS Sundays at 8/7c.
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