The BBC has released a trailer for its upcoming mystery thriller series, titled listenerswhich star Rebecca Hall A teacher, she began hearing a low humming noise that began to disrupt her life.
In the story, “No one else can hear the noise, which begins to disrupt her professional and personal life. This seemingly harmless noise gradually disrupts the balance of her life, exacerbating her relationship with her husband Paul and daughter Ashley.” tension between – despite repeated examinations by doctors, no obvious source or medical cause could be found.
“When her student Kyle (oliver west), claiming he could also hear voices, and the two formed an incredibly close friendship.
The show is described as “mysterious, provocative and haunting” and will explore “the allure of the wild and unknowable, the human search for transcendence, the rise of Western conspiracy culture, and the longing for community and connection”. Increasingly polarizing times.
listeners Created and written by Jordan Tannahill, starring Prasanna Poowanaraja, amr wake, Gail Rankin, Mia Talia, Frank Ashman, Samuel Edward Cookand Karen Henthorn.
listeners Now available for viewing. It looks like it’s going to tell a pretty chilling story.