Fear has released the trailer for an indie vampire horror thriller called exchangewhich is described as “a twisted tale of a vampire living a life of blood and debauchery.”
The slogan of this movie is: “Fifty Shades of Red”. The story follows a young couple “who are seduced into the hands of a bloodthirsty 500-year-old vampire; the exotic stranger tries to convince them to swap partners and join his kind.”
The film is directed by Dallas King, who said: “‘Bed Afraid’ and ‘Swap’ are a perfect combination, ripe for those who enjoy a seductive vampire story that has its origins in a bored couple. What happens behind closed doors.
“Just when you thought you’d seen it all, Swap brings a new perspective to the vampire origin story. Leave the stakes at home and come up with a safe word for this debauched fang tour.
Dredd added: “This is not your typical vampire story; it’s bold, provocative and unforgettable. We hope audiences are ready to experience some horror stories that are boldly different.”
They seemed to really enjoy the movie, but it really wasn’t that interesting to me.
The film stars Jessica Leila Green, James Eastwood, Erin Anne Gray, and Dallas King. It is currently available to watch on VOD.